HydraSports Frantic Atlantic Spring KMT May 3-4 3 SCMyrtle Beach, SC * None 3rd
The Greater Wilmington KMT June 13-15 13SouthernWilmington, NCNone
The Jolly Mon KMT July 5-6 2 SouthernShallotte, NC 12#/23#
East Coast Got-Em On ClassicJuly 12-14 13SouthernCarolina Beach, NC None
The Shallotte Inlet KMT August 16-18 2 SouthernShallotte, NC 19.35# 25th
Fall Frantic AtlanticOctober 11-133 SouthernMrytle Beach, SC **40.00#
Fall BrawlOctober 18-192,3 SouthernHolden Beach, NC 17.00#
USAA Championship November 13-16 Though we qualified and would love to be able to fish, it's just not in
SKA National Championship November 20-23 the budget for us right now. Good luck to all those that can fish.
11th in SKA Division 2 - 12th in USAA Southern NC Division
* Fished aboard the Triple Gobble
** We shouldhave fished!!! Last minute plans changed our
decision to fish the tournament, and we caught what would
have been the tournament winner funfishing.